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Let me Introduce My Self

My name is Jonathan Gagne

I Live In Canada, Quebec city

I have been trying to make money online for the past 2 years jumping from site to site.

Which was a mistake because you have to follow one plan and stick with it.

Well, I am going to cut to the chase - YES! I am affiliate for SFI Marketing Group and we provide regular

people better opportunities.

If you are not financially where you want to be, contact me and I will help. That's a promise!!!

I Was introduced to SFI  in 2016. 

When I started to follow the steps of my sponsor Maree Wells. 

She showed me a great plan to follow. She is an SFI Gold team leader.

My Goal over the next year is to achieve the same results.


Maree used her commissions to launch A One Stop Shopping Zone for all our team. 

Think of the down line builder at Maree Designs as your Sales Funnel to generate clients to your SFI Business.

When any of your team make any purchases Via Random Triple Click Store Promotions. BOOM SFI commissions.

As a community we are all supporting our members building client lists to their On Line Shopping Outlets... 

You will start to generate earnings with numerous different income resources while simply promoting SFI through out My Dollar Wise Earner Network.



















You need to start with A Daily Planner from the the very first month.
Setting the example that your future Affiliates will follow.
Put YOUR Plan Of PLAY Into Action. Share with your team.
So they can duplicate the same system.

Before joining any site to promote SFI.
I always do a google search to see what other on line people's views are...
As there are way to many online scam, and simply false hype.

If my team at SFI simply do what I am doing -- Duplicating and Communicating with each other. We get a great chain reaction happening  earning 12 levels deeps as all our team duplicate the same system.

If you have ever wanted to create a successful online business.
You've come to the right place...
It takes experience - which can take you years to develop...
or... which can be provided to you FREE.
You could spend thousands of dollars else where, believing all the hype.
Or Simply follow The SFI Free Monthly Plan they will provide to you.
Check your emails daily and Follow the instructions.

Yes I also started as a newbie with no understanding of SFI.
Remember it takes time to build a successful business.

This is the plan I put into place to get a better understanding on how to build your SFI Business.

The real test is not about earning in the first few months.
It should be about setting up your network and setting goals to start growing that nest egg.
It is so sad when I see members giving up before even starting.
Expecting everything for nothing without the involvement or participation.

TRIPLE CLICKS! Did you know, our store is your personal store?
As an SFI affiliate, you are more than a customer! You are our partner.
To sell all our items, simply add your SFI id where you see the XXXXX.
Internet garage sell Join in now!


You can then share it with your potential customers in many different ways.
Including e-mail, social media network, blog post, and many other ways.
By purchasing your shampoo, vitamins, electronics, clothing, gifts...etc you are in turn, supporting YOUR OWN business.
While introducing your family and friends also to this great business opportunity FREE.
NO out of pocket expenses as you will be purchasing what is already added to your house hold budget.

HOW To Find your Triple click Gateway Links.
Log into SFI click the WEE Man Icon.
Scroll down and click gateway to find.

Second join ABC4income and DWSEarner.

Meet members At Our Surf Chat Bar. 

Be sure to sign up to our Down line programs listed at Maree Designs & ABC4Income. 
YOUR DWSEarner team will duplicate the same system.
Joining your down line builder sales funnel Via your Links.
Auto pilot promoting and team building.

Maree's DWSEarner daily planner really works I got one new PSA at sfi in my first week!!








DWSEarner Cash earned via games etc.
Can only be spent throughout the DWSEarner Network.
Saving you thousands of dollars yearly in advertising..


From the first day untill today, i worked hard to build my SFI team, by following Maree's plan.
Asvertising and blasting my ads all over the net.Then i Build my own website about SFI and TripleClicks, to promote it on social medias.
By this date of April 2017:

I won over 43 PSA and 14 CSA
I won 39 times the T-Time of 2 Tcredits each time
I won  2 times Daily Crown of Gift Certificate for $5.00 each
I won 1 Lifetime Custom Prestige Domain( $129.00 value)
I won at PRICEBENDERS several times
And the most IMPORTANT win his FRIENDSHIP

maree designs business for advertising
dollar wise system earner advertising
man asking about residual income
SFI 19 years business Earn money online with SFI

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