What is Localvantia?
Imagine earning all your rank-qualifying VersaPoints each month by simply buying your groceries, fueling up your car, dining at your favorite restaurants! Better yet, imagine earning earn all these VersaPoints with no additional expense whatsoever; you just buy what you already buy!
That’s exactly what our new program, “Localvantia,” aims to do! But Localvantia isn’t just about grocery stores, gas stations, and places to eat. On the contrary, Localvantia is designed to cover ALL merchants with products and services consumed locally.
Boost your future SFI income now!
While the opportunity in a few months to be able to earn unlimited VersaPoints just by shopping at your favorite merchants is BIG, if you’re in SFI to earn big monthly commissions, the Localvantia pre-registration program is what you want to be focusing on!
And remember that this is a “first-mover advantage” opportunity. That is, the merchants in your area can only have oneReferrer. If you’re not pre-registering them, if you’re letting other affiliates in your area do it instead, you’re potentially forfeiting thousands of dollars in monthly residual income that could be YOURS. Get your share!
Here’s how easy it is to pre-register merchants:
All SFI affiliates with the minimum rank of Executive Affiliate (EA) can pre-register local merchants. Here are the four simple steps:
Visit your favorite merchant(s).
Take a good picture of their storefront.
Complete the pre-registration form for the merchant and upload the photo you took.
Monitor your list of registered merchants and results
Then, in October, when the Localvantia website/search engine goes live, the merchants will be contacted to confirm their registration and formally opt in to the program. To clarify, you’re NOT contacting merchants now, you’re just pre-registering them in our database, in preparation for the formal launch in October.
Note: Do not pre-register any merchants you’re not willing to follow up on later. What form will the follow-up take? It could take many forms, depending on the merchant, including mailing literature, leaving a brochure for the owner, phone calls, or even meetings.
For your accounts (the merchants you pre-registered), your reward is the opportunity to earn unlimited Bonus VP (each worth one share of the TripleClicks Executive Pool)! That is, for each VersaPoint dispensed by your merchants, you’ll earn one Bonus VP!
Imagine you’ve signed up a popular restaurant or grocery store that SFI affiliates shop at, who earn themselves 50,000 VP a month from their purchases there. That’s 50,000 Bonus VP (shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool) for you each month, essentially just for introducing the merchant to the Localvantia program. And that’s just for ONE merchant; you could have dozens or even hundreds of merchants!

How you’ll earn & receive VersaPoints and Rewardicals
Simply make a purchase at a participating merchant…and get a receipt for your purchase.
Go to localvantia.com and fill out a simple Points Claim Form and attach (upload) a photo of your receipt as proof of your purchase.
We’ll invoice the merchant for the cost of your points.
Once the points have been paid for by the merchant, they will be added to your account.
That’s it! Simple and easy for you…and simple and easy for the participating merchants!